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Friday, July 31, 2015

Reflection on Readings: When A Cloud Hangs Overhead

36 Whenever the cloud rose from the Dwelling, the children of Israel would set out on their journey. 37 But if the cloud did not lift, they would not go forward; only when it lifted did they go forward. 38 In the daytime the cloud of the Lord was seen over the Dwelling; whereas at night, fire was seen in the cloud by the whole house of Israel in all the stages of their journey.

(From today's 1st Reading:  Exodus 40:16-21, 34-38)

Clouds have always been associated with sadness, trouble, uncertainty and doubt.  When one says, "I feel a cloud hanging over me", it usually means the person has a heavy heart.  Clouds aren't good.

In today's first reading, the cloud guided "the whole house of Israel in all the stages of their journey".  I realized, throughout my life I had wanted immediate answers to my questions;  demanded quick directions --- because I wanted to reach my goals immediately; or (ever since I said I am giving in to God's will) fulfill God's plans for me ASAP.  Clouds and shadows-of-doubt unsettled me --- because these, for me, caused unnecessary delays.  And I tortured myself incessantly for my inability to read the signs and decipher God's will.  

I failed to realize that, while I have finally succeeded (sort of) in following God's directions, I have not yet fully surrendered to God's timing.  Like the Israelites, I need to find peace in stopping and resting until the cloud lifts and the way forward is clearly revealed.  When a cloud hangs overhead, it does not necessarily mean there's trouble or you've lost your way.  Sometimes it simply means, "Wait for further instructions".

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