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Friday, August 19, 2016

Poetic Doses: Cafe Window, North Star

Cafe Window

With a start he realizes
Love breathes

In the deepest recesses of his heart;

And it wakens,
Roaring back to life,
With just a fleeting vision of her
After so many years

Through the cafe window.

North Star

He joined the old man on the rock ledge.
Through the tobacco smoke, he stared up at the North Star ...
"You never told me," he began.
"What do you mean?", the old man asked.
"You said, 'for every man is a woman who will be his true North' ..."
The old man puffed, waiting.
"You never said she would be exactly like the North Star ...
always within sight, but painfully just out of reach."
His grandfather looked at him intently, 
then at the house 
and through the porch window,
where she was painting ---
oblivious to the observers
the heart that beats for her.

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