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Sunday, April 16, 2017

Happy Meetings: Single By Choice

Ever since I discovered Archangel Raphael as my perfect match, he had been orchestrating happy serendipitous meetings for me (He is, afterall, the angel of happy meetings).  Alas, the idea to chronicle them only came recently.  So, I shall start from this year's first happy meeting/s, when the coincidence was too glaring to write off as a mere coincidence.

On my way to a business trip, the driver who brought me to the airport was a single father with two children.  His wife had died giving birth to their son.  Recognizing that his wife was an only child, he made the unusual decision of staying with his in-laws.  This way his in-laws' loss was tempered with the joy of witnessing their grandchildren grow.  It's been more than 6 years since and he has not regretted his decision.

On the same day, when I landed in my destination country, what are the odds that the lady driver assigned to take me to the hotel was a single mother!  Things did not work out between her and the father of her nine-year old daughter, but they have maintained a good co-parenting arrangement.  She makes sure that her daughter spends ample time with her father's family as well.  There is no need to antagonize when they are family, afterall.

Both single parents did not feel that their circumstance was a hindrance to a romantic relationship.  If anything, it is a diamond test that will help them find the right partner, one who will love them and their child/ren in their entirety.  There is no need to rush into anything.  Like all things precious, the right love, one who recognizes and respects their responsibility as single parents, is worth waiting for. God willing, the next one will be the partner who will enrich their little family.

1 comment:

Mitch said...

Lovely read, I know you may be happy as a single mom but as you wished for the drivers you encountered, I also wish you meet the right partner for you when it is time ��