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Friday, November 03, 2017

Poetic Doses: Thoughts on Fall


Life passes by in a blur
Like a train speeding through the tracks
Leaving me breathless
Staggering to keep my footing

So I sit
And allow life to take me where it will
The dizzying days
Disappearing as fast as they come

Yet, amidst the blur, I realize
I have not moved
No closer nor farther from wherever I should be

So I stand
Surprised at my sure-footedness
Finally ready
To run 
     --- or jump.

FALL (1)

I love the fall
Those moments of giddy uncertainty;
The catalyst moment 
That pushed you over the edge
And then all those moments stringed together 
Pulling you further down

There is no rush - nor fright 
Much like that of falling inlove. 

FALL (2)

I dread the fall
Yet enthralled by its beauty
There is charm in the inevitable 
Those quiet unseen moments 
That creep in between the warmth
Turning lush greens
Into shades of yellow, orange and red
Heralds of winter
When all things beautiful die

There is no poetry more tangible - nor pathetic
Than love fighting to breathe and keep breathing.

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