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Monday, September 14, 2015

33 Days to Morning Glory: Days 9 & 10

Another a-ha! moment for me.

In Lourdes, Mama Mary said, "I am the Immaculate Conception", not "I was conceived immaculately".  Why?

There are two Immaculate Conceptions:
  1. "The Immaculate Conception is divine ... It's the Holy Spirit ... the uncreated Immaculate Conception."  "... the One who for all eternity 'springs' from God the Father and God the Son as an uncreated conception of Love and who is the 'prototype of all the conceptions that multiply life throughout the universe."
  2. "Mary is the created Immaculate Conception".  This is by virtue of her union with the Holy Spirit. Kolbe explains:
 "What type of union is this?  It is above all an interior union, a union of her essence with the "essence" of the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit dwells in her, lives in her.  This was true from the first instant of her existence.  It was always true; it will always be true."
"... If among human beings the wife takes the name of her husband because she belongs to him, is one with him, becomes equal to him and is, with him, the source of new life, with how much greater reason should the name of the Holy Spirit, who is the divine Immaculate Conception, be used as the name of her in whom He lives as uncreated Love, the principle of life in the whole supernatural order of grace."
This teaching from Kolbe does not only explain Mary as the Immaculate Conception, but explains simply and completely the relationship between husband and wife, as intended by God.

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