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Sunday, July 03, 2016

Bigger Bear Series: Keep an Eye Out for the Silver Lining

A series of unfortunate events ...

  1. I gassed up at a Caltex station with really bad Starcard connection.  After the nth try and 15 minutes later, I begrudgingly swiped my card.  They gave me a 1.5 liter of coke, which I don't drink ... but our guests the following day did.
  2. I rushed home in hopes of having dinner with the family, only to find out that everyone was out.  I finally had an opportunity to use my HappyPlus credits and got myself free food from Jollibee.  Since I was in the vicinity, I finally satisfied my Razon's halo-halo craving as well.
  3. I went to work for a meeting, which was cancelled.  I could have worked from home.  And then they distributed the year-end snack packs. Yey!
  4. I got bumped while my car was stopped in front of a red light. The car behind me was hit by a truck and the guy had the presence of mind to try and swerve away.  He still hit me, but with lesser damage.  At that late hour, my entire family kept me company on viber; my brother and sister drove to the police outpost; my tito (and his entire family) drove out to check on me as well; and the truck driver owned up to it and the insurance will cover for the damages.
  5. The National Museum was free for June, so we made sure to schedule a trip before the month ended.  We had planned to leave early to be at the museum door when it opened at 10 am.  We wanted to go through both the Art Museum and the Artifacts Museum.  Being the nocturnal creatures that we were --- we woke up late, drove through heart-attack-hair-pulling worthy Manila traffic and arrived at noon.  But, when we walked in, we were greeted by Juna Luna's Spoliarium ... and we walked through the halls lost in all the art ... for HOURS.
  6. Needless to say, the entire afternoon was sufficient only for the Art Museum.  We thought, bummer, we'll have to go back some other day and pay for it.  But then, on July 1st, the National Museum announced it was going to bee free ... ongoing!
  7. It was raining when we left the museum.  We were all famished, so we decided to go to Intramuros for late lunch / heavy merienda.  By the time we finished, the sky had cleared and we had the opportunity to go to San Agustin Church, which was perfect for A's Art Lessons on old architecture!
  8. Math day this week was bad.  We finished late and only managed one out of the two topics we were targeting.   Then I had to bring A with me to the office, since my sister was supposed to pick-up the police report for me.  A Math lover colleague came by to say 'hi' and ended up coaching my son on his Math lessons.  They covered both topics in a couple of hours ... with my son: (1) exclaiming "I luv Math"; and (2) complaining about going to dinner ... because he still wanted to do Math.   
  9. I brought my sister with me so she could pick up the police report and go to the service center to get an estimate for my car's repairs.  And then we realized she couldn't get back in without my ID - which I needed while I was in the office.  Then a really stressed friend needed to decompress and we were more than willing to decompress with her.  Impromptu get-together!
  10. My sister had two foiled efforts at going to DFA for her passport renewal.  A couple of days before her nth appointment, she got a call from DFA.  They were bumping her up a day ahead of schedule. On that day, she had the courtesy lane privilege and completed everything in 30 minutes. THIRTY MINUTES!
... if you keep an eye out for it, you'll find, there is always a silver lining to every dark cloud.

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