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Wednesday, December 28, 2016

A Time to Be Rogue

Rogue is an adjective used to describe something or someone that is different from others in usually a dangerous or harmful way.

I am not a Star Wars geek, so I will not attempt to analyze how Rogue One fits into the overall Star Wars universe nor how it fared compared to all the other franchises.  If that's what you're looking for, you will do better talking to my son than reading this blog.

But, if you must know, I liked it.  Forget the there-but-not-quite-there hint of a love story between Jyn and Cassian.  Forget how awesome (and kind of sexy) Chirrut Imwe was.  Forget, too, the more elegant Sam-Frodo dynamics he had with Baze Malbus.  I enjoyed those bits, too.  But I liked it more because the movie was riddled with nuggets of wisdom that are relevant, timely (even urgent) and must be underlined.

There are 10 lines that struck me...

"Remember, whatever I do, I do it to protect you."
Every event is multifaceted, one facet for the perspective of each person involved.  Nobody truly knows the entire story until it is viewed and understood from each of those person's perspective. 
  • Galen Erso was viewed as a defector by the rebellion when he became the Empire's lead Engineer for the Death Star. A mission was sent to kill him on site.  But, in truth, Galen Erso decided to take that critical role in order to build a weakness into the Death Star - which he communicated to the rebellion at the risk of his own life.
  • For years, Jyn Erso harbored hurt against Saw Gerrera for abandoning her at age 16.  But Saw Gerrera did this to protect her, so that she is not linked to the rebellion and used to blackmail her father.  And, before doing so, he trained her. "You were already the best soldier in my cadre."

Often, when "bad" things happen to us, we only see the pain and negative impact. Sometimes we allow the pain to consume us, clouding over our perspective, that we fail to see the eventual good that comes from it.  During difficult times, "when we can't trace His hand," we need to hold fast and "trust His heart" - because, like any father, God tells us, "Remember, whatever I do, I do it to protect you."

"Congratulations.  You are being rescued. Please do not resist."
Contrary to what some people think, to be saved can be very painful that the first instinct is, understandably, to run away altogether.  But, because God loves us and we are important, He might resort to some drastic measures --- like hitting us hard, so that we stop long enough to realize what is happening.  Hopefully, after that, we are much more pliant. "Quiet!  And there's a fresh one if you mouth off again!"

"The Force is with me. I am one with the Force.  And I fear nothing, for all is as the Force wills it."
This one needs no further explanation.  Just switch "Force" with "God".  It's an effective mantra to calm one's spirit; to find strength during difficult times; to find the courage to follow God's will, especially when it's contrary to what your mind is telling you; to trust and hope in the face of impossibility.

"There are no Jedi here anymore, only dreamers, like this fool."
Preaching about God and introducing Him to people who do not know Him yet is not just the responsibility of priests and religious (Jedi).  We don't need a special title to tell the world about God and how He moves in our lives.  In this society/world of ambiguity and confusion, I dare you to be that foolish dreamer who will forge, unblinking, towards the clear path where the "Force" leads.

"The Force did protect me."  "I protected you."
"Goodluck!" "I don't need luck.  I have you."
God is efficient that way.  He moves people and uses them as instruments to do His will. And He does not discriminate. Sometimes He sends a believer; sometimes, an unbeliever.  Sometimes He sends YOU.

"You can stand to see the Imperial flag reign across the galaxy?"  "It's not a problem if you don't look up"
Pope Francis pointed it out many times, one of the greatest diseases of this generation is indifference. While technology has given us access to so much information, it has also desensitized us to the point of indifference and apathy.  What does not affect us directly, does not matter.  There is nothing wrong with it until it happens to us.  Or, sometimes, it is easy to feel involved without really getting involved.  If you haven't figured it out yet, liking or forwarding an article does not help.  Yes, it helps raise awareness. But what good is it in a universe of information where it is difficult to decipher fact from fabrication?

"I had orders!  Orders that I disobeyed!"  "You might as well be a stormtrooper."
God gave us the ability to perceive and evaluate things.  He also gave us free will.  May we always choose to do what our hearts say is right.

"You give way to an enemy this evil with this much power and you condemn the galaxy to an eternity of submission."  "The time to fight is now!"
There should be no dilly-dallying.  There is no small effort.  Every little effort adds up. Everyday we are faced with choices - right or wrong, big or small.  Everytime we choose to do what is right, no matter how small, we win a battle.

"... we'll take the next chance. And the next chance.  On and on until we win ... or the chances are spent."
Sometimes following God's will entails running into battle blindly with no plans other than taking one chance (He presents us) at a time. Just run with it.

"The strongest stars have hearts of kyber"
Hearts attuned to God are the strongest and bravest.  These are the ones most capable of going rogue when the times call for it.

Nobody, other than God, knows the full story or the Master Plan.  That is why, during these trying times, it is even more critical to stay attuned to Him through daily prayer meditation and reading of His Word.  Only in this way will we know what to do, when to do it.

To each one of us and to society as a whole ...

May the Force be with us when it is Time to be Rogue.

Monday, December 26, 2016

Every Road Leads Back

Moana is another beautiful departure from Disney's usual princess and damsels-in-distress theme. I'm happy to see this new trend in Disney animation. And Lin Manuel Miranda and his team are just the right people to lay out the music.  The music did not only set the background, but highlighted the theme in a profoundly resounding manner.

Three songs struck my core ...

How Far I'll Go

"I've been standing at the edge of the water
Long as I can remember
Never really knowing why
I wish I could be the perfect daughter
But I come back to the water
No matter how hard I try"

This reminds me of a discussion I had a year ago with our parish priest.  He said, that our generation is typically born into a role with a set of expectations.  

Pondering on this more, I realized it is true.  We had our lives laid out for us with everything planned out by our parents.  There is great focus on being the "perfect daughter" and doing what our parents think is best for us.  And there's nothing wrong with that.  Our parents have our best interests at heart and years of experience have made them truly wiser than us.  We do need their guidance. But, sometimes, because they want to protect us so much from failure and pain, they inevitably hold us back from forging our own paths.

"Every turn I take
Every trail I track
Every path I make
Every road leads back to the place I know
Where I cannot go
Where I long to be"

As a friend told me once, "there is order in the universe".  Life has a way of taking you right back to the right path.  You can run or hide from it, but God's plan for you will unfold.  And you will find yourself circling back to it, because there are things the heart knows much better than the mind.  Until you figure it out, you'll find your heart inexplicably drawn to it and circumstances will lead you right back to it ... over and over again.

"See the light where the sky meets the sea
It calls me
No one knows how far it goes
If the wind in my sail on the sea stays behind me
One day I'll know
If I go there's just no telling how far I'll go"

One day, when you are ready, it will hit you and you will find the courage to finally go and find out "how far you'll go".   When you let go and allow it to take you, the journey itself will feel like coming home.

I Am Moana

"Sometimes the world seems against you
The journey may leave a scar
But scars can heal and reveal just
Where you are
The people you love will change you
The things you have learned will guide you"

There is no guarantee that, when we go and walk our path, things will be easy.  The failure which our parents are protecting us from can and will hit us at one point or another.  Failure, afterall, is what builds character and pushes us to do things we never knew we were capable of.

"And nothing on Earth can silence
The quiet voice still inside you
And when that voice starts to whisper ...
Do you know who you are?

I am everything I've learned and more
Still it calls me

And the call isn't out there at all
It's inside me
It's like the tide, always falling and rising
I will carry you here in my heart
You'll remind me
That come what may, I know the way
I am Moana!"
When it is most difficult, that is the time to stand back and listen to that inner voice - God's voice within us. It is there, always within reach, guiding us.  It will not be silenced.  It knows the way. 

I believe that God planted His plans in our hearts. During uncertain times, trust that His plans are deep inside you.  In the deepest parts of your heart, you'll always find the answer.  When it is needed, help will come.  He will send someone.  Everything will come into focus and you'll know the way.  Just keep praying.  Stay in touch with that inner voice which holds the blueprint of God's plans.

Know Who You Are

"I have crossed the horizon to find you
I know your name
He may have stolen the heart from inside you
But this does not define you
This is not who you are
You know who you are"

Failure and pain, sometimes, have a way of truly breaking us, bringing out the worst in us.  We find ourselves in a swirl, spiraling downwards until we lose sight of who we are and where we are headed. I have found myself in such situations many times and, without fail, God finds me.  Sometimes He speaks in the silence.  Sometimes He sends someone. Whoever he or she is, that person will find the courage to walk in the midst of that spiral to remind me who I am; a lifeline who will pull me up.

When I am able to accept the failure and transcend the pain, that's when the growing happens and I find myself emerging into a better version of myself (an upgrade!).

On a side note ...

Never steal a woman's heart and break it. (Bad idea).

Te Fiti (a goddess with the power to create life - represented by a mountain) turning into Te Ka (a demon that causes infestation and death - manifested in fire and magma, a volcano) is the perfect representation of a woman who's heart is broken.  She becomes untrusting, protecting herself by keeping everyone else at bay through anger or indifference. (Nasty!).

Art from ScorpiusClark

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Poetic Dose: Untitled

Love creeps in through
The strangest of places
Born always from
The most hidden corners
Warming slowly
Breathing suddenly
Until it trembles
And bursts
It is unstoppable.


Saturday, December 03, 2016

Reflection on Readings: The Big Bang Theory, Exotic Particles and Time

The Big Bang Theory

“If the rate of expansion one second after the big bang had been smaller by even one part in a hundred thousand million million, the universe would have re-collapsed before it ever reached its present size.” 

“The remarkable fact is that the values of these numbers seem to have been very finely adjusted to make possible the development of life.”

Stephen Hawkings

Growing up, I never understood why people thought a fascination in Science and Math meant a separation from Faith; that the two can never be married; and that scientists are inevitably atheists or agnostics.  Science and Math had always served as objective and concrete proof of God's existence for me.  I mean, think about it.  There is too much order and symmetry in the universe - from far off celestial bodies to the inner workings of our DNA - to miss or deny the existence of an extremely obsessive compulsive Engineer!

(Read more about it here:  Has Science Discovered God?)

So, what does this mean?

I am part of His Grand Design.  My existence was meticulously planned, so that I come out exactly the way I am.
And, because He has designed and set the world in motion like one extremely complex domino structure, I have a purpose. Whether it is to the world or to just one person, I am meant to make an impact and set something or someone else into motion.

Exotic Particles

“But I think the number that made the biggest impression on me concerned the lifespan of the 'exotic' particles created in the LHC.  The longest-lived of these particles could exist for only a few hundred-millionths of a second before decaying; the shortest-lived were so unstable that their existences couldn't even be observed in a conventional sense.  They popped into being and were gone in the same tiny fraction of an instant ...
But the more I thought about this, and the more I thought about how old the universe was, and hold it would become before it suffered its final heat death, the more I realized that all matter was akin to those exotic particles.  The size and scale of the universe made everything else unimaginably small and fleeting.  On a universal timescale, even the stars would be gone in much less than the blink of an eye.”

The Universe versus Alex Woods

(Some reinforcements along this line of thinking:  Michio Kaku: Is God a Mathematician?)

It is humbling to understand how small we are and our lives, fleeting, in universal scale.  But that is not my main point here.  It is, that every single particle that ever existed in the universe for a "tiny fraction of an instant" contributed to the development of the universe and our world as we know it now.

We are not the only ones important.  Everything else is, too. This circle of life rests upon a delicate balance, that only we have the power to maintain or tip over.


“His life had become simple and uncluttered, and when you're living life like that, I think time can seem to stretch on forever. Matters only change when you start fretting about all the things yo need to get done. The more stuff you try to force into it, the less accommodating time becomes.”

The Universe versus Alex Woods

I am my God's creation.

I am just as obsessive and compulsive as He is, wanting everything to be perfect.  But, whereas God has eternity, in this life, I have only a "tiny fraction of an instant".  So, I overloaded it with a host of lists and to-do's.  Afterall, life is short and I have to accomplish all of these things.  I had planned my days down to the very last second.

The past years, though, I realized that my plans and to-do's do not always line up against God's design.  As a result, I ran into and pushed against walls, and it had been terribly frustrating.

I realized, that following God's will required a lot of fluidity, flexibility and faith.  It meant being choiceful and taking out the clutter of trivial pursuits.  It meant being open to changes of plans to allow His plan to unfold.  It meant trusting, that all the wrong turns and mistakes will lead us to where we should be when we should be.

When we live each day this way, we realize that time isn't short; that there is no need to run; and that there is ample time to live.  This way it's less stressful (and reduces the chances of cancer ... seriously!).

So ... What will you do with your "tiny fraction of an instant"?

From Today's Readings

Psalm 27:13-14
"I believe that I shall see the bounty of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord with courage; be stouthearted, and wait for the Lord."

GOSPEL: Matthew 9:29-30
"Then he touched their eyes and said, 'Let it be done for you according to your faith.' And their eyes were opened."