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Wednesday, April 20, 2005

my shower of gold ...

for love has taken firm roots now
with branches outstretched, imploring the sun
where then shall i dare go foolishly
to lose my glorious shower of gold?

for these ... my branches
know only the warmth of my sun's embrace
that seeps through my very core
nourishing ... breathing life to my soul

for in its embrace comes a sweet humming
my whole being alive ... rejoicing!
this ... this is music of my soul
the rhythm i swing to ... my life's dance ....

Monday, April 11, 2005

Sprite: Get Real

one of my mottos in life is: Get Real. i always believed in honesty --- to others and especially to one's self. there is no sense in keeping up facades or charades. aside from the fact, that it gets messy (how do you remain consistent to a web of lies?!) ... truth will always inevitably come out sooner or later ... and that's when the real trouble sets in. that's when it gets painful ... and we don't want that.

being honest is not always easy. in fact, saying things straight out can cause pain at the onset ... but the hurt from a truth is a whole lot better than hurt from finding out a truth AFTER believing in a lie. when you've done something wrong, own up to it. when you have a different opinion, say so. lying in order to escape from punishment is only a temporary solution ... because truth always prevails and, when truth is revealed, you're in double the trouble you would have been had you told the truth in the first place! lying in order to keep others happy (moreso if it is someone you love) is really stupid ... because when they find out the truth, they end up hurt and you may end up losing them afterall.

the bigger challenge of "getting real" is being true to yourself, accepting who/what you are. only when you have come to terms with who you are can you be truly free to be all that you possibly can be ... to be the you which God intended you to be, because God created you so for a reason. do not allow others to put you in a box ... because it means you are allowing them to dictate how your life should be ordered and who you should be. nobody else knows God's plan for you, but God and He reveals it only to you. a lot of people spend their lives trying to make everybody happy. truth is, nobody is ever satisfied ... and you cannot please someone without displeasing somebody else. if you live your life this way, i have to tell you ... forget it! it's a futile cause! Jesus has left us with two commandments to live by: (1) love God above all else; and (2) love your neighbor as you love yourself. live by these and you can't go wrong ... afterall, we are only accountable to God and to nobody else. He should be the one we're keeping happy.

i have learned to come to terms with who i am and the talents which God has blessed me with. i have learned to accept them and to believe that i have a rhyme and reason for being ... that God has put me in this world to do a small good which will ripple and reverberate in this ocean of life. nobody may remember where the ripple began, but everyone will feel it ... and then i would not have lived in vain.

Sunday, April 03, 2005

my Pope is dead!

the pope just died on the 1st saturday of april, a minute before divine mercy sunday ... even his death seemed especially chosen to show the catholic world just how inseparable the twin hearts are.

his life was a prayer so beautifully written and sung with so much passion, touching hearts the world over without prejudice of race and religion. he was recognized by one and all as indeed a holy man, a saint walking amongst us, the worthy keeper and flag-bearer of the catholic faith.

now, there is only apprehension and the catholic world can't help but feel stripped and naked, vulnerable to preying wolves (as my father rightly referred to them) waiting at the sidelines. we have been orphaned. may the strong foundation of faith, which the pope has built in his 20 years as the shepherd, be our guiding light ... calling us together in this bittersweer hour of his departure from us. may he never be far away, but even closer still to all of us ....

Friday, April 01, 2005

Poetic Doses


for it is of no consequence
that the world frowns over us
let it be to its own troubles
i am where i must be
in your arms, dearest,
where my heart is home ....


oh, dear me!
all the classic symptoms
of a teenager at the mercy
of love's first arrow
was it yesterday?
no! only 2 years of forever with you.


endless nights i lie awake
prisoner to voices inside my head
questions that number as the stars
answers lost in a vast blackhole

baseless, maybe
but real nevertheless
and steadily growing
in my universe of you.


helpless as a child
and weak in my knees
dearest, when you hold me
all else fades away

let me lie forever in your arms
oblivious to the troubles
no fears, no worries
just hold me, please ... closer ....


not a day passes by
which does not see
a rippling
in our calm sea
and i wonder
if we truly are meant to be ...
yet at the end
of the day
i am in your arms
and i know
just know --- as you hold me
this is right.


our love is the lyrics of my life
and the music of my soul ...
let me stay right here
where forever is right now.