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Monday, August 17, 2015

Bigger Bear Series: Plans and Serendipity

The past couple of weeks had been horrendously busy.  It seemed all my deliverables (work and home) had a secret meeting and decided to pounce on me all at the same time, each demanding for my full attention. And I was helpless in the knowledge that all are urgent and important.  I may have missed the resolution to this situation in Covey's training.  What I would give for a clone - or two - then.

Business trips usually meant more work for me.  But, given the situation, the planned trip turned out to be a welcome respite. I wanted to fully leverage on the trip to the US ... as it does not seem that I will pass this way again anytime soon.  Thus, I planned to meet a number of friends.

I spent my first night with a very dear friend, chatting away till close to midnight.  In the morning, we decided to play it by ear.  And spent the morning and afternoon enjoying each other's company and doing stuff we like doing most:  eating and shopping.  

One particular friend I wanted so badly to meet suddenly couldn't make it. Right at that moment, I got
an email from a friend I hadn't seen in 20+ years.  Apparently, she had been living for a couple of years now in the city I was headed to.  What are the odds?!

And, though we both had other plans for the weekend, we managed to switch things around to open up a good amount of quality time together.  Honestly, it felt like all the stars aligned for us to reconnect and reminisce.

We started with Mass at a church where the Deacon was a Filipino AND ex-P&G associate director, who chatted with us, making an instant connection. (Again.  What are the odds?!) Then we spent the early part of the evening digging through boxes and boxes of pictures, while talking nonstop. All the years simply melted away.  Then we closed it with an impromptu birthday celebration for me, since I didn't have the chance to properly celebrate it with everything going on.

So much serendipitous events in just one weekend!  Once again, God reinforced that when things don't go as I planned, they are going as He planned ... and it is, without a doubt, much better than mine. Always.

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