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Friday, August 12, 2016

I Am LoveSick

This is not a review of the play. I am no authority on the rudiments and technicalities, so I won't go there.

BUT I would recommend it to everyone, because it presents the realities of relationships in the same way that sugar makes it easy to swallow a bitter pill.  I recommend it to everyone, because everyone needs to look in the mirror, truly see themselves and recognize the work-in-progress --- who is far from perfect, but also far better than the first draft.  I recommend it to everyone, because each relationship is a dance with another work-in-progress --- who may not always be the version compatible to the current version of YOU.

That said, I shall move on to the heart of this blog:  The part which struck me most, the final act which tied in all the other acts.  Specifically, this line:  "Why doesn't anyone ever call it destiny ... [when you end up alone]?"

It triggered a barrage of "a-ha!'s" and a realization that I am LoveSick.  It's a barrage, so bear with me as I try to articulate all of them as best as I can.

  1. Every now and then we need some breathing room.  Sometimes the other room works; sometimes it needs to be farther.  Sometimes counting to five is enough, sometimes it needs a much longer time.  
  2. Timing is crucial.  If your life stages are not in sync, it will be like fitting a square peg into a round hole.  Don't force anything now.  When the time is right for both of you, it will be as if stars aligning.  
  3. Life is a ball.  When a partner decides to move on to the next partner, don't skip that beat.  Dance with your next partner.  Just keep dancing.  Sometimes you circle back into each other's arms.  Sometimes you stumble into the arms of the one, who will want to walk with you through the gardens for the rest of the evening.
  4. Remember your name.  Do not allow yourself to get lost in everyday trivial things nor allow your relationships to define you.  You are important, too.  Relationships are meant to expand, not restrict.  Also, be wary of the tendency to restrict yourself and blaming other people for your self-inflicted misery.
  5. Alone times are our destiny. Life is a solo journey.  We come into the world alone.  And we leave it alone.   Therefore, alone times are, actually, normal. Those are your lucid intervals, when you see and understand things more clearly.  Afterall, hindsight is always 20/20. 
  6. Someone loved you first. Allow Him to show you the beauty of your lights and shadows together - through His looking glass. Revel in His love and  allow yourself to love YOU (buy yourself a self-love ring!). 
  7. All we need is Love.  Only when you've learned to love yourself are you better able to give love and accept the love coming your way (or has been knocking at your door).
Finally, when your stars have aligned, Love is a decision.  In whatever form it may be, it is a decision you need to make. Every. Single. Day.  

Make no mistake, it takes a LOT of grace (between gritted teeth).  So, pray.

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