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Sunday, October 02, 2016

Reflection on Readings / Bigger Bear Series: What I Learned from "Storks"

 I like watching animated movies, which I consider modern day storybooks.  And I am grateful for the army of storytellers (armed with pens, inks, colors and sounds - in all forms) who work together, investing blood, sweat and tears into every production.  I honor you all!

For me, each animated movie is a wonderful work of art.  If a picture paints a thousand words, an animated film speaks volumes by enabling us to put down our guards just enough to reach into the depths of our souls.

"Storks" was no different.

So, what did I learn from it? A lot.  Summed up in five words:  Choices, Consequences, Hopefulness, Patience and Unstoppability.
  • It's not easy making the right Choices all the time because ...
    • We are given to selfishness.  Jasper fell inlove with baby Tulip that he wanted to keep her for himself.
    • Society's wisdom and values are folly to God.  Hunter thought it was more profitable to just deliver objects and gadgets.  But the storks' true calling is to deliver babies! He also thought it was wise to fire Tulip.
    • We are scared to make a stand.  Junior did not feel it right to fire Tulip, so he made a compromise by weaving a lie.
That is why we should always pray ...

Psalm 119:66
Teach me wisdom and knowledge, for in your commands I trust.
Psalm 119:125
I am your servant; give me discernment that I may know your decrees.
  • For each choice, there is a Consequence and it does not just impact us ...
    • Jasper's clouded judgement resulted to Tulip's beacon being broken, so she could not be delivered to her family.
    • Hunter's decision made the Storks more profitable, but it also resulted to incomplete families around the world.
    • Junior's web of lie spun out of control. We all know lies do that, so I won't expound anymore. Watch the movie (if you haven't) for an actual illustration of how bad a lie can get.

But each consequence is not as much a punishment as it is a lesson that points us to the right direction.

Psalm 119:71
It is good for me that I have been afflicted, that I may learn your statutes.
Job 42:5-6
I had heard of you by word of mouth, but now my eye has seen you. Therefore I disown what I have said, and repent in dust and ashes.

  • One choice does not define us.  It's the consolidation of all our choices (and, mind you, they're not all right) that do. Not all consequences are permanent.  And, even for those that are, there is always a way to make it right. Nothing is hopeless.  Choose to believe and remain Hopeful by allowing God to show you what He sees - that people can (positively) surprise you.
    • Against all odds, Jasper looked for the pieces of the beacon.  And even when he couldn't find the final piece, he decided to make it right by offering to be Tulip's family.
    • Nate's belief planted a seed of hope in his parents' hearts, that perhaps they would get stork baby delivery.
    • Tulip remained hopeful that she would find her family.
    • Junior, amidst all the mishaps, remained hopeful till the end that he would be able to deliver the baby to her parents.

Luke 10:23
Turning to the disciples in private he said, “Blessed are the eyes that see what you see.

  • Some things take time to fix.  Some lessons take time to learn. "Stay the course" (Margaret, Once). Be Patient.
    • It took 18 years for Jasper to have the opportunity to complete the delivery of Tulip to her family.
    • Things never went as planned or within the target timelines, but Junior and Tulip eventually got to deliver the baby to the Gardner family.
    • Tulip's parents didn't get the baby they wanted when they wanted it, but they did not stop living.  Then Tulip came, eighteen years later, but at the right time - because it had to be after she made all the mistakes that led to Storks going back to delivering babies.
  • Don't stop, because God's Will (and the graces and blessings that go with it) is Unstoppable.  It will come.
Job 42:2
I know that you can do all things, and that no purpose of yours can be hindered.
Job 42:12
Thus the Lord blessed the latter days of Job more than his earlier ones.
Job 42:17
Then Job died, old and full of years.

Who would've have thought I'd learn so much from a children's animated film, huh? Just goes to show, that sometimes we find what we're looking for in the least likely places, when we least expect them. So, if you haven't found your "flock" (or whatever it is you're looking for) yet, remain hopeful because the happy ending (the bigger bear!) God has written for you is unstoppable.

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