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Thursday, March 10, 2005

Get On The Right Track

i am currently on vacation here at my aunt's place in australia. in all honesty, it really feels good not to be thinking about work ... all those deadlines & targets that i need to meet and the measures that i need to maintain. sigh!

these past few days allowed me to get some peace and quiet ... so that i was able to reconnect with my innerself, determine my broad purpose and assess whether i'm on the right track. i realized, that lately i got so caught up with work that i was thrown off course. i was starting to focus on myself and career, when what i should be focusing on is my purpose (at least, at work) ... which is to enable each of my team members to realize his/her fullest potential. sigh! i just need to get myself recharged so i can get at it again. when i committed to this purpose, i didn't realize how emotionally and mentally draining it could be! at any rate, as long as this is what God wants me to do ... He's got my back covered and He will give me anything & everythng i need so i can do what He intended me to do in the first place.

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