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Friday, March 11, 2005

Child's Play

i remembered, when i was 12, we asked my little sister what she wanted to be when she grew up ... and without batting an eyelash she shrieked, "i want to be a housewife!". we all laughed then, thinking it was absurd. i thought, she obviously enjoyed the role when they were playing house. right now, though, it doesn't seem so absurd.

i've been house-sitting for my aunt for a week now ... sort of like a personal retreat. and i realized how much simpler life is and more fulfilling to be taking care of the kids and managing the household. it's a loving job that is far from easy ... how do you get kids to eat when they feel like playing? or to take the shower when they want to snuggle up in bed? the great thing about it is it's less complicated emotionally, since you don't have to deal with so many people with different backgrounds and different quirks ... no hypocrites --- the great pretenders. don't you just love how honest & straightforward kids are? they can be a handful with their string of "why" and "how" questions, that can be very challenging to answer: "why was mum born before dad?" or "why aren't you married yet?" (?!!!??!?). with all your efforts at answering the question, they sigh and say, "you don't know so much". hahaha! don't you just love how honest they are?!

anyway ... i'm looking forward to taking care of my own kids, but while i'm waiting for God's decision on that i might get my hands on some volunteer work for orphaned or abandoned children. planning on it now ... i hate to admit that this volunteer work may help me more than it will help the kids. i know for a fact that being around kids is therapy, especially when playing & laughing with them.

i'm going to miss these kids ... sigh!

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