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Saturday, June 16, 2018

Poetic Doses: 155 to 166

#365daysofpoetry Days 155 to 166

Art by Migs Villanueva

Building walls and closing bridges
Against two-way streets that run one way;
There will be no more carrying another's burden
Through looped roads made of quicksand;
Resolutely writing off love given to blind hearts
That there might be peace and no more spirits damaged.

Photo by Ryan Villar

Strength comes in many forms;
Sometimes it comes in silence.

Art by Toti Cerda

There are many ways to walk in the rain;
You can let it drench you, soak you;
Or you can let it cleanse you,
Perhaps even dance and sing in it.

Art by Ricky Ambagan

You can wait for the rain to stop;
Or you can make yourself an umbrella.

Photo by Ryan Villar

It grows and nobody knows

Will it ever end or even bend
There is peace from its space
And happiness in its wake.

Photo by Martin Nolasco

He gave her a piece of bread
"Eat it," he said
She smiled and stowed it in her pocket.

He gave her a bottle of water
"Have a drink," he said
She smiled and stowed it in her pocket.

In the rain, he tossed her a poncho
"You'll get drenched," he said
She smiled and stowed it in her pocket.

After the hike, she bid us farewell
And ran into their makeshift home
She smiled and emptied her pocket.


Little corner in an ice cream shop
With the little comfort for my weary heart.


Photo by Elmer Gabini

Freedom means ...

To be free of:
the destiny you've boxed me in;
the stigma from the history my genes carry;
or the wise sage's prophecies of doom

Freedom means ...

The chance to:
chart my own destiny
from a new history founded on love;
anchored on the truths:
   I am created in His likeness
   and He makes all things new!

Art by Lynyrd Paras

There is no blow more potent than that from a loved one.

Image from Internet

For it does not matter what the mouth professes;
Actions inevitably speak the heart's hidden truths.

Art by Jef Cablog

And what is real
When we are all above our heads
Drowning in secret dreams 
and childhood fears;
perceived truths and 
single-faceted illusions.

Photo by Ryan Villar

It is really up to us, isn't it?
To go up
Or to go under.

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