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Friday, November 30, 2018

Poetic Doses: 277 to 300

#RayaBlabbers #365DaysOfPoetry


She walks with a confident nonchalance,
Without any regard on how she looks,
Sparing not even a bored thought on what people say;

But she stands tall on her beliefs,
And waits on no one to effect change;
She ha a level head between her shoulders
And wears her heart on her sleeves;
She is a compelling character
And she compels everyone;
Easily moved, she is a mover of mountains.

She is Woman.


There it is, safely stored
in the treasury of my heart
That moment
That space in time
When our worlds collided
And our souls touched
My heart blossoming
A lingering smile upon my lips.


Caught up in the wonder
Of all that surround me
I fail to see what I seek
Has been right in front of me.


"Walang Hanggan" - a lyrical poetry that grabas at the heart and squeezes to the final teardrop.
(Hormones and the night - very bad mix for the solitary)


Peace, often,
Is not the absence of conflict,
It is the decision to walk away.


Wherever its humble beginnings
Whether fertile soil or a mere crack on a rock,
Life (and Love) thrives where it is nourished ... consistently.


We are an army of faceless warm bodies
Bravely soldiering on to martyrdom
For a profoundly vague yet popular cause
That promises an illusion of importance
Then seeps us dry of life and time
Amidst the roar of an amplified mechanical applause.


In the tangled mess
Of my mind's
Whys, whens and wheres;

In the unraveled beauty
Of the slowly emerging


Filling your love tank with little quiet moments with a loved one, can help put things into the right perspective and sustain you for the daily grind.


Sometimes Life throws a curve ball;
And sometimes it just steps on the breaks.
Life and time are finite;
Made of tiny moments,
Seconds stringed together
Or infinite moments lived fully.

Your choice.
(Bowing my head for a life snuffed  in a blink).


Often I feel His love making a way for me ...
Even when I do not see it.


I cannot walk in your shoes before you do
And prepare the way for you;
But I can prepare you for the walk
And the shoes you will wear;
And I promise to walk with you
As far as my shoes can take me.


Clear skies
Placid waters
Peaceful heart

Something beautiful is unfolding.


It doesn't matter,
The twists and turns;
The river flows
To its only home;
You are my ocean
And I am coming home.


It's a beautiful magical place,
The sanctuary of a soul,
To touch the secret dreams
And cradle the vulnerabilities;
To feel th throbbing
Of silenced desires;
And hear the whispers
Of a song trapped in chambers.

It's a beautiful magical place,
The sanctuary of a soul,
Behold in reverence.
And take nothing as you leave.


I have set my roots
upon a hope
a childish dream;
while you spoke plainly
and loved ironically;

And I ...
I am still here.


Hope is as fleeting as your faith;
Yet as constant and accessible as His love.
(Hang in there).


From here I glimpse
Fleeting dreams
And silent screams.


In the rush, we miss the many wonders life holds --
the beauty of morning dew on an intricate cobweb;
or the calming steady breath of someone we love,
asleep beside us.


I am neither here nor there,
Merely floating in time and space;
I am a ghost that haunts this shell,
Nonexistent now, yesterday and tomorrow;
And, yet, I dream
Eternally of only you.


And if you peel ever so gently
You will find me here
The child you thought
You've grown out of;
The dreams and hopes
You hold so guardedly
But never knew
Having never taken flight.


In this clean sterile place
Is emptiness
In the wake of your chaos
Is Life's eternal sleep.


Makeshift beds
For restless hearts
A brief respite
From the noise outside.


Shelter me from my storms
That in your embrace
I find peace
In my own true form.


I dream in vivid color
All things I hope for;
Then in black and white
All the fears that haunt me;
And then I find
The Me emerging in between.

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