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Monday, March 02, 2020

Namaste: Driving for Divorce

I was so happy to that my Uber driver for the long drive to my Aunt's place was a lady.  I was even more delighted to know that she was a gregarious individual with whom I share the same general life principles: diversity and inclusion, equal rights, the value of freedom and the responsibility that goes with it.  We liked the same individuals who are change agents and prime movers of society.

I asked her why she started driving an Uber.  Her answer was as unexpected as everything about the ride.  "I am driving for divorce, honey!"  (I'm sorry ... what?!).  Her husband was cheating on her with a younger woman, while leaching on her. She knows her worth and will not let anyone trample all over her, so she's setting herself up with enough to file for a divorce. I would have stood up and saluted her had I not been in the car.  You go, girl!

Needless to say, the 1 hour drive flew by so quickly.  And, before I knew it, I was almost at my Aunt's place and completely forgot to message her that I was coming!
Image from Internet

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