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Friday, October 02, 2015

Poetic Dose: My Faceless Series

In the wee hours of morning
I ache for sleep to claim me
Sink deep under the sheets
Until I fall into dream's embrace

Where I find you
--- or glimpses of you

Your big strong hand
Pulling me up
A misplaced ladder
In little Alice's labyrinth

In a dark room
I am safe
Your shadow
Watching over me

Beneath beautiful stars
On a cobblestone path
You walk beside me
Our arms gently brushing

The sun about to set
On a Sunday picnic
And then suddenly
Your arms drawing me close

At times I wake
On your chest
My head bobbing in time
To your steady breathing

And then the rare moments
Your fresh clean scent
As I melt in your arms
Deliriously lost in
 ... the most tender yet urgent kisses

I tilt my head
To look into your eyes ---

   "so truly perfectly the skies
    by merciful love whispered were,
    completes its brightness with your eyes

    any illimitable star"  (EE Cummings)

And you fade into nothingness
Into the blank solid wall beside my bed

In vain I snatch at details
Losing them to full wakefulness

In my waking hours
I try to find you ---
In the hand that greets me
Or the arm that brushes against mine
Or a whiff of, possibly,
   spring coming
   after winter.

"your slightest look easily will unclose me
though i have closed myself as fingers,
you open always petal by petal myself as Spring opens
(touching skillfully, mysteriously) her first rose"  (EE Cummings)

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