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Friday, April 07, 2017

Sunrises and Sunsets

(El Nido, Palawan Sunset by angkulet)

I am consumed
by the colours of the sun;
it haunts my dreams
and my waking hours;
i close my eyes
and i feel its warmth;
painting my face;
a beautiful salmon pink
amidst the deep blue. 
(December 2014).

Sunrises and Sunsets have a way of pulling at my heartstrings.  It doesn't matter how many I've witnessed, each sunrise or sunset is an entirely new experience that still awes and captivates me everytime - no fail.

Sunrise by Francis Ghersci
At dawn, when purple skies begin to fade into blue, and tinges of yellow and orange start peeking through, I feel a certain excitement; like butterflies of hope fluttering from my stomach to my heart. And, when the sun bursts into an explosion of light (like new loves), it brings with it the promise of a new and beautiful day. Troubles past feel like forgotten dreams from an eternity ago and worries are swiftly washed away.  Sunrises mean nothing is impossible. Everything can be conquered.

Manila Bay Sunset by Damijan Zizek
Dusk, for all its beauty, bring with it a certain bittersweet melancholy. As the bright sun moves towards the horizon, its light gradually mellowing, I can't help but feel a form of quiet surrender for all things inevitable.  And, once the sun hits the horizon, setting the sky on fire in one final burst of effort, there is no ending (like dying loves) more beautiful nor more magnificent.  Moments after it has gone, the sun's echoes remain in the beautiful shades of salmon, blue and deep purple; much like forgiving, letting go and moving on.

Just recently, I witnessed a breathtaking sunset while in a moving car.  Like any normal person, I fumbled for my phone to catch a photo. But the photos by my unprofessional hands were a mere whistle compared to the symphony before me.  So, I abandoned my phone and immersed myself in the full experience.  And then, I realized, there are photos best taken with the heart. 

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