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Sunday, July 22, 2018

Poetic Doses: 187 to 196

#RayaBlabbers #365daysofpoetry
(These come with some nice photos in my IG account  @lightbulbs_heartstrings)


How complicated life is
When dealing with people
Yet there is no bliss
Quite like dealing with people.


Counting my blessings
1, 2, 3
First, the mornings when the heart sings
Then come noons with joy to come soon
And there are dusks when there is nothing more to ask
Till finally the good nights come to replenish the spirit's light.


Despite what I say
All I really want is for you to stay.


Help comes when it is needed
And His guidance is easier heeded.

All we need is to flow with His sure tide
And in His strong wind, to dance and glide.


It is all about God's impeccable timing and grace;
When moving pieces click suddenly into place.


Incline my ears to the truth of who I am
Over the buzz of damaging self-doubt.


This --
is where I found her
Between the folds
of my dreams
and angst.


Monsoon rains are such a pain (in the ...)
As if having wet feet were such a treat.
Today I witnessed you drop my heart
And just idly watch it drift past and far.


With so many things going on,
She repeated,
"Ladies, zip up your imaginary corsets."
I wanted to scream,
"You are evul!"
But, as my body screamed in pain,
my spirit soared to a higher plane.


For we are all in one form of spectrum or the other --
autism, gender preference or mental state.
Normal is so overrated.
And, I dare say, mythical.


With a little bit of teamwork, compassion and empathy,
we might all find the all elusive unicorns of
happiness, peace and love.

Art by Mister_Sasquatch on IG

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