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Monday, August 20, 2018

Poetic Doses: 217 to 226

#RayaBlabbers #365DaysofPoetry #Woman #DiversityAndInclusion #Faith #Love


And, in that moment,
my heart swelled
at how the Sun
Loves my Little Prince.
There are no words
for a Love
and unfiltered.


When it's hard to reciprocate
It's enough to believe;
And, sometimes, that's all you need
To find the love within.


Let go
And between the lines


In your arms is where I hope sleep finds me someday.


To You I sing the melody of my heart;
Where my words fail, let my truth prevail;
When I stumble, let me be humbled;
That I might not miss a chance
To glorify You in this Life's dance.


Were it always a struggle between good and evil,
The choice would have been easy;
But often, I find,
It's a struggle between the mind and heart;
and both believe themselves good
With only the best intentions.


I wonder how nothing makes a woman;s heart flutter like flowers do.
(Sometimes all you need is a single flower to turn a day from okay to great).


These are the stuff I am made of,
The days that merge into the nights;
but let it not define who I am for you;
Let me the one your heart runs to;
The runway from where you fly high and away.


Dancing in the wind
Twirling in its embrace
I remain deliriously unfazed
Better things are yet to come.


For all her hopes and dreams,
Her yesterdays and her tomorrows,
There is but one constant theme:
Love ---
In every crevice of her soul;
In every single moment of her existence.
This is her meaning.
This is her truth.
And it consumes her ...
Even when it is logical to hate.

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