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Friday, December 14, 2018

Poetic Doses: 331 to 345

#RayaBlabbers #365DaysOfPoetry


Between the shadows of your heart
It came tumbling out
(barely audible)
And I pocketed it, guardedly
Between the flickering lights in my heart.


In an instant I came crushing down
Eyes still glazed from the trance
Of your perfectly played musical act
And my irreparably skewed reality.


I looked up and thought
What a perfect moment.

Dusk ---
When all things beautiful
End in a glorious splash of hope
Even as night creeps in
As surely as the stars that accompany it.

So I took a leap
And laid my heart out to you.

Dawn ---
When all things tired and broken
Get a new lease at life
Even as it means starting over
With the unfamiliar and the unwritten.


True love breathes and expands;
And it begins with loving me.


She picked them up gingerly
Every broken and bleeding part;
Her cheeks drenched in tears
She walked slowly home;
Then laid them one by one
Carefully at her mother's feet.


Little cloud over my head
You dampen my spirit so
Little cloud over my head
Pouring down on me
I wish for wind or just a breeze
To blow you far away from me
Or maybe some little sunshine
To perk my spirits up.


And, one day, it was just there
Where it was not
And it grew steadily
Without any trouble
Then it remained quietly, firmly
Without demand or reproach.

Mushrooms (also, Love)


No one knows where this road will lead;
But if you take my hand and lead the way,
I'll gladly walk this road and see us through.


As if sensing my heart
The sky cried with me.


In the morning
Let my eyes open
To the afterglow
Of the warmth of your love.


For mornings of clarity
That fill our hearts with peace
Thank You!


This warm unshakable happy feeling
Comes with the sun peeking through the trees
It will be a beautiful day!


And I have no regrets
I have loved you as best I could


The melancholy of Dusk settled
And, on the horizon, the waning crescent moon rose;
She lifted her shotglass to it:
For old love's waning
And to new love's beginning.


I stood quietly at heaven's door
In complete awe at its breathless wonder
Marveling at the realization
The only thing that comes close to this
Is that moment when you glimpse
The intricacies of another soul.


Fill my days with tasksm
mundane and extraordinary;
That night shall find me
drained to exhaustion;
Only then am I spared
from battling echoes in my head;
These, the inescapable tortures
of the monotony of quiet;
That comes from long drives
on deserted streets;
And 3 am thoughts
as the world sleeps.

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