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Saturday, April 11, 2015

Lenten Series: Apr 2

M: "A, we have to go get your haircut"
A: "But I'm still playing with my friend."
M: "You can play with him some other time."

Clearly, he didn't want to go and was half-grumbling. I parked the car in front of 7-11 and walked straight towards it. He looked surprised as he followed me in. I told him to choose what he wanted for snacks and agreed for him to have Slush Puppy. As we headed towards the barber shop ...

A: "Mom, I'm sorry kanina (awhile back). You have a better plan pala."

Sometimes, while we are in a difficult situation or when things don't go as we planned, it is hard not to throw a tantrum at God. We have heard people say, "everything happens for a reason", and it's true! All my life, that is the trend I see --- all "bad" things that happen are blessings in disguise. No fail. When the right time comes, the epiphany hits me and all I can do is marvel at how masterfully He has engineered my life. So, even when I do not understand, I go with Mama Mary's and Jesus' example and just say, "Your will be done".

From Holy Thursday's Gospel - John 13:1-15:
"What I am doing, you do not understand now, but you will understand later ...
I have given you a model to follow, so that as I have done for you, you should also do."

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