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Saturday, April 11, 2015

Lenten Series: Apr 4

Picture yourself as a 3-year old flower girl or ring bearer about to walk down a long stretch of church benches --- with all the big people watching you and clicking pics of you. Wouldn't you feel like crying? How could you possibly get through the long walk with your tiny feet?
And then you catch a glimpse of your mom or dad a few benches away (just behind the scary men holding cameras), coaxing you to take your first step ... and smile (Hehehe). So, you do. And, keeping your eyes on her/him, you make it to the altar in no time. She/He wears a proud smile as she/he grabs your hand and walks you to your seat. You take your seat with a big grin plastered across your face, feeling triumphant.

THAT is how God is as we walk down the paths of our lives. So, let us keep our eyes focused on Him and walk sure-footed towards where He leads.

From Black Saturday's Gospel - Mark 16:1-7
"He is going before you to Galilee; there you will see Him, as He told you."

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