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Saturday, April 11, 2015

Lenten Series: Mar 28

"Beverly's eyes opened upon a spring scene in the stars. So pleasant, peaceful, clear, and calm were they, with human attentions at the nadir, that even the winter air above her seemed warm and gentle.
Beverly smiled, delighted at how the universe suddenly seemed to have become an artifact of the Belle Epoque - navy blue, dazzling, light, full of grace and joy, and as wonderful as the lucid moments before a rainstorm."

(Winter's Tale, Mark Helprin)

This must be how Mama Mary felt the first time she laid eyes on her baby, Jesus. No one who lived knows Jesus as completely and intimately as Mama Mary does She was His first teacher and His first follower.
This must also be how Mary (the sister of Martha and Lazarus) felt, while she was listening to Jesus during His visit. That is why she could do nothing, but just listen to Him. And what a privilege to have a private audience with Jesus! I assume, being His close friends, He must have shared more details and insights to them. She must have been so moved, that she was bubbling all over to tell the world about Him and all the wonderful things He had done.
Thus, it is only expected that anyone who came to either Mary gained deeper insights on who He is; and, in the process, believed and fell inlove with Him more deeply.

From the Gospel - John 11:45-56 :
"Many of the Jews who had come to Mary and seen what Jesus had done began to believe in Him."

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