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Sunday, April 12, 2015

Poetic Doses

Exactly 10 years ago I bravely posted some of my mind's crazy ramblings.  Tonight I was archiving my Personal files and unearthed a few works from then till 2009.  Here they are, in no particular order; in no particular reality.

A small capsule of forever

You hold me in the most natural gesture of farewell between friends … that extended for longer than usual.  Then you held me tighter.  I did the same.  I felt every slow, deliberate breath you took … a contrast to my racing heart.  And then, just like that, it was over.  Without a glance, we moved on to the next friend to bid farewell.  Never before had this “beautiful unspoken” been so expressed than through this singular moment that is destined to be lost in the strands of time.

There are moments, that when stringed together, form a forever.  And there are forevers encapsulated in one single moment.  This was one of them. 

To the one who will be THE One

under the acacia tree

you will find me

calloused feet

wind-torn clothes

wearied by

my endless travels

your touch


to my skin

grown cold

i believe myself wise

you see

but mostly

i am wary

when you find


and my eyes

seem unyielding

persist, dearest

i beg

until my skin grows warm

with your touch

and bells ring

with my laughter

until your soul

finds mine

under the acacia tree

i will wait

for that


that every second of my life

builds up to

for that


when i am home

finally … in your arms.


i am


the song




through narrow



forgotten memories

the cloud

it lifts

and I see


4 mins

and my past

is changed


i did



nor feel

no more


for wasteful






i am



but you


lost to me

4 years past.

heart of a mother


it is of no consequence

this, they say,

love unrequited

it only matters


i love

truly and entirely

until that day

ready and armed


take flight

and even then

my heart

and my prayers

shall watch ever closely over you.

My Muse

verses run in my head

fleeting and sometimes fading

long before i can

bind them into coherence

random thoughts

fragments of moments lost

but the feelings

so new and yet so old

i grasp at them

but they are gone

like wisps of warm breath

on a cool december night

and then again

prodding and teasing

till i stand

before the door

and in the cobwebs

of my secret room


my dusty muse

i hearken to your voice

though you do not speak

one look, a touch

and i am alive


passions of long ago

once again

burning … and breathing ….

(i wield no power over you,

yet you choose

to stay

in the secret chambers of my heart

and i claim you

as my own captured muse

though in truth

it is i

who am your slave).

Nagging Water

(tribute to Wolfmann)

once more

she walks on water

i have left

with love unspoken

yet all I do

is love her even more

in the only way i can now

rocking her gently

the soft breeze upon her shoulder

like water


i am everywhere … and free.


and so we go on
this endless dance
round the fire
slowly consuming us
from within ….


‘tis the hour

of just before moon’s setting

wakefulness whispers upon me

flash of images flooding my head

a touch

head upon shoulder

a brush

scent surrounding me

these fragments of you

and me



she picks up the phone

“do you remember me?

he asks


she replies

“i remember you”


all at once she was

removed from time

and space

sunlight filters through

the blinds

warm and yellow

she looks around

coffe table, sofa


3 pm, the clock says

then she hears

her own heavy breathing

she blinks



she is finally awake.


what hands

brought you here

this meticulously engineered

here? and now?

what mystical wisdom

gave you secret words

uttered without speaking

heard only by my heart?

what ancient sage

planted my face in your heart

and gave you hands

that touched my soul?

what invisible hands

brought you here

where i roam aimlessly

and now

when my soul needs waking?

perhaps i will never know

perhaps there is no need to

come now, child

here in the bosom of my love

whence you were conceived

and i am reborn


shush! shush!
quiet, thoughts!
you pester me
with your incessant prodding
oh! to sleep
a dreamless sleep
to tame
the monsters in my head ....

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