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Saturday, April 11, 2015

Lenten Series: Mar 21

“Remember that the most difficult tasks are consummated, not by a single explosive burst of energy or effort, but by consistent daily application of the best you have within you.” (Og Mandino, The Greatest Miracle in the World)

People nowadays misconstrue being modern, liberated, independent or open-minded as loosening up ones moral stance. On the contrary, though, a loose moral compass means a perpetually moving needle that just leads nowhere. It shows weak character.
A few months ago, news broke out about actresses who chose to remain pure until they got married. There was much hype over it and they got as much ridicule as praise for their decision; although, in truth, it's no one's business but theirs. I applaud them. I'm sure it's not easy. On top of the struggle within, they had to deal with public scrutiny as well. And they did so with elegance and grace, that, I believe, many were inspired and empowered to do the same. God bless them.

From today's Psalm 7:2-3, 9-10, 11-12
"Let the malice of the wicked come to an end, but sustain the just, O searcher of heart and sould, O just God. A shield before me is God, who saves the upright of heart ..."

Gospel Acclamation:
"Blessed are they who have kept the word with a generous heart and yield a harvest through perseverance."

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