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Sunday, February 11, 2018

Poetic Dose 39, 40, 41

#365daysofpoetry Days 39(ish) to 41

Cheating here just a bit
Yesterday was just hectic
So, for Day 39
On the 40th, I write.

Masungi GeoReserve

For there is no reason
What for is the waiting
When eyes have grown dim
And black have turned to silver
To sit under the same blue sky
Sipping coffee or lemonade
Looking out into a vibrant garden
Running into a bed of lush mountains.

What for is the waiting?
There is no reason.
Only the illusion of busy.

Art By: Lyra Garcellano

A week of overlapping days
Just gone by in a haze
But if I rest here for just a second
Shall I regain a bit of my life that has gone?

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