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Friday, February 23, 2018

Poetic Dose: Hump Week/s

#365daysofpoetry Days 47 to 53

It's been a very toxic past couple of weeks.  Hopefully, this weekend serves as a brief respite.
At Romerberg, Germany

because, for all its beauty
the novelty of its charm
my heart is not as full ---
nor whole ---
as when I am with you.

Art By Ang Kiukok
There is so much sky
Cotton candy white
Pouring out of endless blue
When all is cold and out of skew
I thank God for the warm soul of you
Bringing me just a bit closer
To the arms I want to burrow in.

Art by Ina Inadoodles Nolasco

Squeeze hug
And sloppy kisses
Perfect cures
For the weary soul.

Art by Ang Kiukok

Oh, these days!
When there are not enough secounds
The moon gives way to the sun
Much too quicker than my breath
And there is not enough of me
To do all my master's biddings
What spell is there
That can freeze Time?
Will God answer in haste
The prayer of a lowly creature as I am?

(And, in the end, where is the Why in all of these?)

Art by Inadoodles

This, too, shall pass,
I say
As I crawl towards Feb's end
Into March's faint light
Saving each tiny breath
Mustering my remaining strength
Let this not be
The slow death of me.

When I am overwhelmed
I tug at His helm;
I ask to be lifted
And then all is well again.

Garden Design by Jerry Araos

i close my eyes for five deep breaths ...

first, the whisper of the breeze
then the rustling of the trees
as their green emerge
with the scent of damp ground
and, finally, the still glass waters
occasionally disturbed by dragonflies.

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