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Thursday, February 01, 2018

Poetic Dose: So much to do / Stomped / Bella Luna

#365daysofpoetry Days 29, 30 & 31

so much to do
so little time
my list of to-dos
is a mountain to climb
a thousand thoughts in a queue
spilling out of my tiny mind
i scramble to pick one or two
but "goodbye" together they chime
oh, well not much i can do
let tomorrow wait for now it's bedtime.

what to write
when the brain is cramped
too many thoughts ... sigh!
tonight, i'm honestly stomped.

My Bella Luna
At its rising
Majestic, always
You take my breath away

How many pledges of love have you witnessed?
How many still remain true?

While I, in solitary, enthralled
Pledge my love to only you
Night after night
As I gave upon you, forever unknowing.

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