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Friday, February 02, 2018

Pondering Motherhood

#365daysofpoetry Day 32

Today is Thursday.  Math day.  Typically the day when Monster Mom comes out to play.

Yet, after a full day of juggling work and Math coaching (mixed with affirmations and a good bit of exasperation), my son tiredly declares, "My answer's correct, Mom" and then, "I think it was a good day.  We finished a lot and I was able to do PBR (Percentage, Base, Rate) on my own. Thanks, Mom." (Tear) We only managed to finish the review and not the actual new lesson I scheduled for today.  But you just have to count your blessings.

Having a child is a double-edged sword: a source of stress and stress-relief;  extremely challenging and immensely fulfilling at the same time.  I realized that early on as I traversed the road of motherhood (a role, I think, I take too seriously for my sanity's own good) and even more when I decided to homeschool.  The responsibility to bring up my son into a God-fearing, loving, Earth-conscious and useful member of society is both a blessing and a burden.  It requires me to always be on my toes in terms of how I act, how I speak or even think; the decisions (especially the split-decisions) and choices I make.  Moreso the choices, as these do not affect just myself, but also my son.  (And I refuse to blame this for my singlehood. If anything, having my son forced me to be more thoughtful and to make wiser decisions.  Heck! He just probably saved me from a bad marriage).  That is why, when I saw this Ivatan artwork over the internet (Thanks to #jotarofootsteps for stopping by the art shop and finding this) , I was drawn to it.  It is a perfect representation of my sentiment as a mother.

Yaru nu Artes Ivatan

That I may be ...
Your shelter against all storms,
Your source of comfort in difficult times,
And your strength at your weakest.

That I may ...
Be firm on values and principles (your Life compass), 
Have the courage to stand for them (for your sake),
And find the strength to discipline (when needed).

That you may ...
Know always in your heart
Everything I do 
I do out of love for you.

That I may be, to you, 
God's loving presence in this life.

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