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Monday, May 04, 2015

Flirt Mode: Disabled?

While waiting for my brother to buy tickets, a guy walks up to me ...

Guy:  Hi, are you in line to buy extra tickets?
Me:  Yes
Guy:  I actually have extra tickets ...
Me:  (I gesture towards my brother, meaning:  Talk to him.  He's paying)
Guy:  (tries again)  I mean, I have extra tickets I can give away ...
Me:  (I gesture once again towards my brother)
Sis-in-law:  (saves the day ... bless her soul) Oh, wow!  Thank you!

The guy walks away ... and they ALL (my brother, my sister-in-law and their two friends - who grew up with us and are practically our sibs as well) descend on me.

Brother:  Tsk tsk tsk ! (Exasperated gesture)
Practically-sister and Sis-in-law:  Ate!!! (I look at them, surprised and lost ... what did I do???)
Practically-brother:  He could have been your destiny! 
Me:  Oh! (I turned around, trying to look for the guy)  
Brother:  Was he ugly?
Sis-in-law:  No, he was tall and looked okay.  But Ate didn't even look at him! We were here, but he was only addressing you, Ate.
Me:  Errr ... (Silently cursing myself) I didn't know ...
Practically-sis:  Really, Ate?!
Me:  Really.  Thus, my status (gesturing to all of me).
Brother:  Ate, you should turn your "Flirt Mode" On.

It's not the first time I'd been oblivious.  These things often dawn on me long after (sometimes years) the whole situation has passed ... and Mr. Could-have-been-my-desitiny has moved on.  You'd think I should have learned by now, but I'm a slow learner ... or an unbrave one.

The thing is, I don't think my "Flirt Mode" is Disabled.  I think it's on auto-pilot.  It does click On every now and then.  I catch on sometimes. 

And then I run. 

Or I chase them off.

There's an Ina painting hanging by my bed.  It explains a lot.

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