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Sunday, March 27, 2016

Lenten Series: Cramming on a Good Friday

I intended to make it a meaningful Lent for my son and I, since he's old enough to understand and appreciate its importance.  Then, the next thing I knew, it was Holy Week. So, I crammed everything yesterday, on Good Friday.

I realized, I couldn't very well just jump into the Passion of Christ.  Since timelines work for him, I started off with the liturgical calendar.
The Colors

  • Purple / Violet - officially, this color symbolizes: penance, humility and melancholy.  I explained violet seasons as seasons of waiting and preparation.
  • White - officially, this color represents: light, innocence, purity, joy, triumph, glory.  I explained white seasons as seasons of celebration.
  • Green -   officially, this color stands for:  hope, the Holy Ghost, eternal life.  I explained green seasons for making the ordinary extraordinary for other people without being told, even when no one is watching.
  • Red - officially means:  the Passion, Blood, Fire, God's love, martyrdom.  I explained red seasons as seasons of special showers of graces.

The Seasons vs. Christ's Life vs. the Mysteries of the Rosary

  • Advent (Old Testament)- This represents the time before Christ's coming, when everybody was waiting for the promised Messiah.  
  • Christmas (Gospels / Joyful Mysteries) - The time of Christ's birth. 
  • 1st Set of Ordinary Times (Gospels / Joyful Mysteries) - This was Jesus's growing up years; the time before His ministry.  Only very few stories are included in the Gospels.  This is the time when He was being prepared by Mary & St. Joseph to whom He was completely obedient.
  • Lent (Gospels / Sorrowful & Luminous Mysteries) - This was the three-year ministry of Jesus, which starts from His Baptism by John the Baptist and culminates in His passion and death.
  • Easter (Gospels / Glorious Mysteries) - The resurrection of Jesus, which made it possible for us to go to heaven.
  • Pentecost (Gospels / Acts of the Apostles / Glorious Mysteries) - The start of the Church; the start of the Ministry of Mary and the Apostles.
  • 2nd Set of Ordinary Times (Acts of the Apostles / Epistles / Revelation) - This is the times we live in, where we wait for Jesus' 2nd Coming as Christ the King.
Lent = Sorrowful Mysteries = Stations of the Cross
  • Palm Sunday: This was when Jesus entered Jerusalem and He was welcomed like a hero or a rock star.
  • Maundy Thursday - Last Supper: This was when Jesus instituted the Eucharist and mandated them to love one another - that is how people will know that they are His disciples.
  • Agony in the Garden: This was when Jesus prayed to God the Father in preparation for what was going to happen.  He knew He was about to go through a lot of suffering and pain.  It scared Him so much, that He even asked God the Father to not let Him go through it.  But, in the end, He still said "not my will, but Your will be done, Father".  Doing God's Will will not always be easy.  Many times we will want the Father to "let this cup of suffering pass". But we have to ask for His grace to give us strength to trust and do His will, so that we can experience the Glorious mysteries He has planned out for us.
  • Good Friday - Scourging at the Pillar/Carrying of the Cross:  I showed my son clips from the movie, Passion of the Christ. These two scenes had the most impact to him.  He saw how the devil was trying to weaken Jesus' spirit and how Mama Mary countered this with her presence.  Each time Jesus felt like giving up, Mama Mary was there, silently giving Him strength even though it was obviously very difficult for her to see Him suffering.  They went through the Passion together.  At one point, my son exclaimed, "Mom! Mama Mary could see the Devil! They are fighting over Jesus! Whoa!"  I told him that's how it is everyday, instead of Jesus, it's every man/woman that Mary is fighting with. 
  • Good Friday - Crucifixion of Jesus:  Here, we talked about the 7 last words.  
  1. "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do." In the midst of His sufferings, He still managed to forgive.
  2. "Amen, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise."  Jesus' death opened up the gates of heaven for us.
  3. "Woman, this is your son ... This is your mother."  This was two-fold.  He made sure someone will take care of His mother during her final days.  But, the more important significance of this statement is Jesus entrusting mankind into the care of Mama Mary.
  4. "My God, my God, why have You forsaken me?"  This is probably the darkest hour of Jesus.  He is very close to the Father who is the source of Love.  Not feeling His presence is the most difficult and most painful "torture" He had to endure as part of His sacrifice.
  5. "I thirst."  I started by saying, "When He said this, He did not mean He was thirsty for water ..." My son finished it for me with, "He is thirsty for love ... from us.  I know, Mama.  I think it's because I am not listening to Him anymore. He talks to me when I pray, but I don't listen."
  6. "It is finished." Mission accomplished.
  7. "Father, into Your hands I commend My spirit"  Now it's time to go back to His Father.
  • Black Saturday - "He descended into Hell / the Dead":  He picked up the worthy souls who have died and were waiting for Him.  He had the good thief with Him.
  • Easter Sunday - The Resurrection - "On the third day He rose again":  And because of this, we can also have everlasting life in heaven.
Post Discussions:

A:  "What do we do in heaven, Mama?"
M: "We worship God and bask in His presence which is Love"
A:  "What happens in hell?"
M:  "In hell, you don't feel God's presence.  He is absent.  You don't feel Love, only emptiness.  That's worst than any form of physical torture."
A:  "I want to be good already, Mama.  I don't want to feel God's absence."

A:  "Why don't we eat meat every Friday, Mama?"
M: "It's our little way of taking part in the sacrifice that Jesus went through in order to give us access to heaven. It's not much.  Some people sacrifice or give up other things, not just meat."
A:  "Like what?"
M:  "Other favorite food; favorite things they do."
A:  "Oh." (He looked at his lightsaber thoughtfully)
M:  (I waited)
A:  (Nothing)
M:  (Oh, well ... maybe next year)
A:  "I'll try to stop grumbling and obey with a happy heart."
M:  (Alleluia!  Even better!) "Sounds good to me"

Culminating Activity:  Vision Boards!

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