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Friday, January 26, 2018

Poetic Dose: Days 24 & 25

 #365daysofpoetry Days 24 and 25

Blown Away

Take me far
Far away from her
To verdant fields
Of golden sunrises
Where the wind dances
To songs of children's laughter
And I, in full surrender,

Shall be blown finally home.

Art by Noel Mahilum
Increments, however marginal,

are increments, nonetheless;
A single step, however small,
if towards the right direction,
is progress, nonetheless.

Art by BenCab
I Wait

And I wait for the dream of you
In the ordinariness of my reality;
To finally find you
Or be found;
And when that day comes
I pray I might ---
Know your hand
With just a touch
Know your countenance
Even with eyes closed
Know your kiss
With a mere brush
Glimpse myself within your heart
From the windows of your soul.

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