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Sunday, April 01, 2018

Poetic Dose: Lenten Series

#365daysofpoetry Days 87 to 89

View from Mt. Ayaas

In the grand and in the small
Let me always be enthralled
That I might recognize You
In everything I see and do
To know always who I am
The one for whom You came.

Art By:  Inadoodles

Pondering You upon the cross
Your Love that led to the sacrifice;
The hear with immense capacity for Love;
The eyes that see only Good.

How is it that You
Love my every ugly broken part?
That in all Your greatness
You exalt me in my littleness?

And how is it that You,
Creator of heaven and earth,
Thirst for Love
From one as lowly as I am?

Pondering You upon the cross
I shall never understand;
Though it is enough that
The heart knows I am Yours.

Art By: Rovi Salegumba

In the dark of night 
We wait for You
Hearts heavy with sorrow
Mingled with joyful anticipation.

In the dark of night
We speak of You
Of the Messiah long foretold
That walked amongst us.

Then, in the dark of night
We see You
Our hearts rejoicing
Your resplendent New Dawn breaking


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