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Saturday, April 28, 2018

Poetic Doses: 9 Days. 9 Lives.

#365daysofpoetry Days 110 to 118

9 days.  9 lives. 10 poems.

Art By Ferdie Cacnio
Days of endless wakings
And aimless wanderings;
Finally at the throes of sleep
I fall in grateful surrender,
That body, mind, heart and soul
Find rest, wrapped in a blanket of dreams.

At the "Lion King" musical

There is nothing as pure, profound and complete as a child's love.

Photo By JM Gustilo
There is
      and Consequence.


And yet there is ...
   My love.

For you.

Photo By: JM Gustilo
Shower upon me
Blessings and graces
To shine me through the night.
When darkness surrounds me
And shadows are ominous,
Sprinkle stardust upon my nose
That I might remember to look up;
Squinting to find You
In the littlest, most persistent of lights.

Art By: @lizaflowers via IG

What makes up a good person?
How does one breed good humans?

A soul chipped from God's Spirit.
A heart molded into His likeness.
A mind that sees with His eyes.

But how?

How does one safeguard the purest of stars
From the corruption of darkness?
How does one protect
From monsters within?
How does one run
From ghosts of the past?

How does one breed perfectly good humans
Despite one's imperfection
Amidst a world preying on itself?

Photo By:  JM Gustilo

A million years

I have waited
For one
To whisper my name.

Until then I remain lost
Unnamed and uncharted.

Art By:  Migs Villanueva
Under the moon's pale light
The tug of Love's first heatbeat
As drops of her silent tears fell
The vow to safeguard a heart so fragile.

Art By: Ma'Dee Osabel
For, when sleep engulfs me,
I shed my wings.
And, until I dip my toes in coffee,
There shall be no angel here.

Art By:  Migs Villanueva

For all that war ever brings are
Ghosts in the wind
Faceless children that roam the streets
Fatherless, motherless and aimless
An entire generation
Borne out of grief, resentment and anger.

Sculpture By Ma'Dee Osabel

And, in the end,
When all is lost ... and forgotten
I ask only for honesty, 
The courage to own your truth.

(dahil sa #sawakasmusical ; #5years Filipino version)

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