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Sunday, June 06, 2021

Poetic Doses: M7 Till His Birthday

From this day forward
And always
Even days of drunken laughter
Shall be spiked
With salt-infused water.

And there is ever only you
The star that is my Sun
Amidst this terrible darkness
Your light throbs to spark Life
The stardust you sprinkled
Faith, Hope and Love
Softly settling in hearts you touched.
Painting by Tat 

I wake up to dusk
Melancholy claims me
As daylight fades into darkness.

I curl up in its embrace
Not wanting to get up
Safe in the cocoon of my sadness.

Then I hear a distant bell ringing
Time for family Mass
Time to go back to the living.

Painting by Ina Nolasco

There are moments of unraveling
Of breakdown
And moments of epiphany.

Then there are moments of anchoring
Of breathing
And a single moment of coming Home.

For the briefest moment I was alive;
And for that I am grateful.

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