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Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Poetic Dose: 71

#365daysofpoetry Day 71

Balabag Island, Calaguas
Photo by: Ina Nolasco
Coral Graveyard

From faraway it was
a shore of pristine white sand;
Up close it was
a shore of dead corals, piled 4 feet high;
A hauntingly beautiful coral graveyard
created by the waves;
In tribute to (or a cry of justice for?)
the silent (and ancient) martyrs
Of man's recklessness
and thoughtless folly.

Climate Change is not real, you say
And this heat is not Global Warming;
How many more must die
Before we claim responsibility and rectify?
When will we realize
That Her death is our extinction?

Balabag Island, Calaguas
Photo by: Ina Nolasco

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