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Sunday, December 10, 2017

Bigger Bear Series: The Blessings of a Pest Invasion

A couple of months ago we discovered termites around our room.  We did what any normal people would - we boxed up our stuff, called the exterminators and blamed our neighbor's mango tree (that I, incidentally, enjoy looking at while I work from home.  It's a beautifully lush mango tree --- that harbors termites) for the invasion.

Needless to say, last month's pest control session was an ordeal - from the boxing to the unboxing.  After some sufficient grumbling and name calling, I managed to calm down and find the silver lining --- sometime around 2 am in the morning, in the middle of a pile of boxes, holding a card that A made for me.

Here are a few things I learned:
  1. You know you have way too much stuff when there are pests wanting to take part in the bounty.
  2. You don't need more storage space.  No. You need to let go and declutter.  Get rid of all that excess baggage.  It's time for those pre-loved items to move on with someone else. Trust me, the resulting gloriously breathable space is liberating!  
  3. Out of sight, out of mind.  I discovered an "old" new pair of shoes that I had never worn.  I don't even remember when I bought them!  Obviously, it was a want, not a need --- which made me seriously re-think my buying habits.  I realized, there are so much more worthwhile uses for the money I used to buy my "wants" pretending to be "needs".  
  4. A good cleaning brings to light hidden treasures.  I found a folder filled with A's treasures and what I found tugged at my heartstrings.  There are so many moments when I feel hopelessly clueless about being a mother and I wonder whether I am doing enough to prepare him for life. What I found in that folder reassured me that he will be fine. (Sniff!)
  5. There is a season for everything. There are things you used so much before, that you hardly need now.  There are things you used to do everyday, that you just can't squeeze into your days anymore.  And, sometimes, getting back to them can be good therapy.
  6. We grow and, consequently, outgrow things.  Aside from the obvious: clothes that won't fit me anymore, I found things that I once valued and kept, that just didn't serve me anymore.  I got rid of a lot of work stuff. (Yeah!) What I kept were all the notes I received from different people who walked with me through the years --- some of them are still around (permanent fixtures in my life that I am truly grateful for), while some have walked on to separate paths.
  7. Every now and then, we all need a good walk down memory lane to: (1) marvel at how far we've gone; (2) pat ourselves on the back for how much we've grown; (3) be reminded of all those beautiful and bittersweet moments we shared with individuals who helped mold us into who we are; (4) go back to our roots and remember who we are; and (5) be grateful to Life's Author for loving our characters into being.

Who would have thought this whole termite deal would take me to an emotional rollercoaster ride?  Ironically, the damn termites did me more good than bad.  I learned, once again, how God works in VERY mysterious ways.  And He's got one heck of a sense of humor. (Ha. Ha. Ha, God! But, seriously, thank You! I needed this).

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