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Sunday, December 31, 2017

Poetic Doses: Baler


I feel it always
Pulsating just beneath the surface
Like waves coming home
Constantly to the shore
Sometimes crashing in a rush
sometimes a weary gentle kiss
But it is there
In endless search
For an escape
One day
Into the light.

Mind Suggestions

Sometimes we want things so badly
That we only see them 
for what we want them to be;
and not for what they truly are.

I wished only for a heart strong enough to love me;
But all I found was a stone that vaguely resembled a heart;
And in despair, I realized, there is not a heart quite like mine.


And there it was
The door with the tiny flame tree;
A lone bike parked in front,
This morning's freshly-picked tulips still in the basket;

There is comfort in the scene,
Like a feeling of homecoming;
I stood in front of the door for a few more moments,
Relishing every detail, unhurried;

I knew then, without a doubt,
I have found her;
This is where the search finally ends
And my forever begins.

("Pinto" by  Sherwin Gonzales)

Coraline's Child

I knocked;
She opened the door.

And there he was,
A child nestled, content, upon her bosom;

While my every hope and dream
Came spilling, crashing - one after another - on the floor.

She beamed.
I tried to smile despite my phantom tears.

And, as she reached out for an embrace,
I retreated, defeated, inside of me.

Still single?
Me, too.

Tentatively, I peered back out,
Tried to rearranged my life in my head.

She hoped.
I regretted.

This is her reality.
And it is not my dream.

(Painting by an artist from Baler)

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