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Friday, September 18, 2015

33 Days to Morning Glory: Day 11

A friend of mine had told me before, "There is order in the universe ... " I don't recall the rest, but it was along the lines of "things will work themselves out".

This is linked to St. Thomas Aquinas's "The Great Circle of Being" - "... all things when they tend to their proper end are returning to the Principle whence they came forth .."  St. Maximilian Kolbe expounds on this with:

"Everywhere in the world we notice action ... departure and return; going away and coming back; separation and reunion. The separation always looks forward to union, which is creative.  All this is simply an image of the Blessed Trinity in the activity of creatures.

"Creatures, by following the natural law implanted in them by God, reach their perfection, become like him, and go back to him.  Intelligent creatures [human beings] love him in a conscious manner; through this love they unite themselves more and more closely with him, so find their way back to him.

"The creature most completely filled with this love, filled with God himself, was the Immaculata, who never contracted the slightest stain of sin, who never departed in the least from God's will."

Everything that God created is a reflection of himself - his beauty and simplicity; his grandeur and littleness - and everything is connected. Each of his creatures was made to fulfill a specific purpose - no matter how seemingly small and insignificant.  If that role is not properly played, then it impacts the rest of the world.  For the animals and the rest of God's creations, their purpose is implanted in them and they act upon it on instinct - much like robots doing as they were programmed.

Us, humans, on the other hand, are more like AI's.  We were created in his image and likeness, given consciousness and free will.  This means, we have the pleasure of being present in the moment, to experience life with all senses engaged.  We are given the chance to explore, know and understand every facet of this beautiful world and its creatures.  In doing so, we get to know and understand the Creator ... and, in the process, fall in love with Him. The sweet reunion happens.

And then we freely do His will, out of love and out of faith.

There is no one better at guiding us through the process of "falling" in love than the one person who is completely attuned to Him - Mama Mary, united to her Spouse.  She is JARVIS turned Vision.

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