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Tuesday, September 08, 2015

Reflection on Readings: Un-clench Your Jaws

"...then He looked up to heaven and groaned, and said to him, Ephphatha! --- that is, "Be opened!" And immediately the man's ears were opened, his speech impediment was removed, and he spoke plainly."

(Mark 7:34-35)

Last Saturday, I was finally able to have my long-awaited-always-foiled massage at my favorite spa. I went in with the intention of getting the most out of the 2-hour session; to fully relax and declutter my mind from all the concerns.  A few minutes into it, I found my mind racing with various thoughts on my son, work, unfulfilled dreams, etc. So I willed myself to let all those thoughts go and to relax, remembering what our yoga instructor would say during savasana, "Un-clench your jaws; slightly open your mouth".

I un-clenched my jaws, opened my mouth slightly ... and exhaled all my worries, emptying my mind. Only then was I able to experience and enjoy the massage fully.

I have been living my life with clenched jaws, focused on what I want out of life and what I want to give. I drudge on adamant on bringing my plans to fulfillment - by hook or by crook. My plan, afterall, is good and faultless.  I realized, that when I am so focused on making my plans happen, I fail to see, hear and feel all that is around me.  I fail to see, hear and feel God's will for me; and so I stumble on through life, getting nowhere --- because I am blind, deaf and numb.

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