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Friday, September 18, 2015

The TGIF Effect

Fridays always give me happy feels --- no matter how full and overbooked my calendar is.  I wake up happy with an immediate smile on my lips the minute I open my eyes --- even without coffee running through my system yet.  I feel less stressed and ready to face the day, bouncing or singing along to a Friday Madness playlist.   All hell can break loose, nothing can ruin my Friday vibe.

And I noticed it's true for almost everyone.

And why not?  The weekend is just a blink away.  Just one final push and we would be able to enjoy the weekend:  sleeping in, going on a roadtrip/foodtrip/social events, or just doing nothing. And, most importantly, doing all of these with the people we love.

This anticipation of the weekend naturally makes everyone more pleasant, relaxed, more patient, more forgiving, more open to go the extra mile, more willing to sacrifice a bit more.

If we understood fully what it is that awaits us in heaven, perhaps we would live the TGIF effect everyday of our lives.  Afterall, this weekday life is just a blink compared to the eternity of weekend that awaits us.

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