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Saturday, September 19, 2015

Dreamwalking: I Dream In Color

"Your father said there might be snakes," she said, "There aren't any snakes, right?"
"There are," he said matter-of-factly, "But they're more scared of us."
"Are you sure?"
"Yup. They slither away when they see humans"
Somehow, that didn't comfort her, but she trudged on behind him, looking warily about.

A few minutes later they entered the trail and she stopped as a wave of familiarity hit her. 
"Ryan!" she screamed, chasing after him, "I've seen this place ... !"

"What?" he screamed back, barely slowing down.
"I've dreamed about this!  In my dream, I stepped out of a log cabin into a woods that looked just like this.  And I remember saying, 'I'm dreaming ... and it's in color!"
She looked around, feeling more certain by the second that this unplanned trail hike is what she dreamed about just a couple of weeks ago.

"Oh, my God,! That was you ... the guy in my dream!"
"Seriously?! I was in it, too?"
Whoa! I just got goosebumps!"
Still  recovering from the discovery, she panicked as a detail from the dream came back to her, "In my dream you walked too fast and left me ..."
"You know I am not gonna leave you, right?", he said, picking up the pace.
"Right," she said, rushing to keep up with him ... just in case.

He took her to several beautiful spots, including the overlook she flew over in her dream.  (Yes, she could fly in her dream).  Of course, she didn't fly, but stepped on a ledge.  Close enough.  In her dream, the overlook was tinged with the color of sunset.  The sun was still high up in the sky for a sunset.  But right then, the overlook was peppered with yellow flowers. A beautiful and equally breathtaking substitute.

And, as promised, he didn't leave her.  It was a good thing not all dreams came true, because this reality was so much better.  

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