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Saturday, September 12, 2015

33 Days to Morning Glory: Day 7

"Just a spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down in a most delightful way" (Mary Poppins)

This song popped in my head when I read the points which struck me for Day 7:

  • "... the most faithful servants of the Blessed Virgin Mary  ... receive from her the greatest graces and favors of Heaven, which are crosses."  
  • "... the servants of Mary [who] carry these crosses with more ease, more merit, and more glory." It "... does not once stop their steps, but rather enables them to advance ..."
What?! If you think about it, though, it's true.  It is the crosses which enable us to grow deeper in our faith, knowledge and understanding of God's love.  After every cross, we become just a little bit more like Christ.
  • "... because that Good Mother ... prepares her servants' crosses with so much maternal sweetness and pure love as to make them gladly acceptable, no matter how bitter they may be in themselves ..."
I maintain, that the writer of Mary Poppins derived that idea from St. Louis's writings!
  • "[True devotees of Mary] have such facility in carrying the yoke of Jesus Christ that they feel almost nothing of its weight."

No.  I do not fully comprehend how this is possible.  The beauty of faith is you don't need to understand completely before believing.

But, if I were to throw in a guess, it would be love.  Any sacrifice done out of love is not a sacrifice at all, but a chance to express love.
  • "... a secure path ... as we walk it, we're particularly protected from and defended against evil:" because "[Mary] puts herself around [her true children], and accompanies them 'like an army in battle array''.
The insurance that matters! Sign me up!

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