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Monday, September 14, 2015

Bigger Bear Series: Love, Thy Will Be Done

Waking up early after a Saturday session with the sibs is never easy ... so it never happens. Thank heavens for Sundays that allow for sleeping in. Today, though, I woke up beyond the 10 am threshold ... and my mom's requested departure time for Tagaytay.  Oh, shoots!

I had plans for my Sunday - mostly grooming (I badly need a mani-pedi) and probably a bit of shopping for A's pants (he grows up so fast).  BUT God had other plans ... and what beautiful plans they were!

  1. My mom and I acted as moral support for one of our household angels, who was making a very difficult and painful but ultimately the right and best decision.
  2. I got to spend good quality time with some important kids I haven't seen in so long. 
  3. Quality time outside of our normal routine, for me, A and my mom.
  4. One of the best relaxed comprehensive adult conversation with my mom, complete with the most appropriate background music in loop - Love, Thy Will Be Done (by Martika)
  5. Finding out God's next love project for the family.
An overall much better plan than mine --- as usual!

And it must be said, there is no full parking for those who believe in The Parking Angel.

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