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Tuesday, September 22, 2015

33 Days to Morning Glory: Day 18

Mother Teresa's 2 Simple Prayers:

  1. "Lend me your heart"
  2. "Keep me in your most pure heart"

Lend Me Your Heart

Simply put, it means:  "Mary, help me to love with the perfect love of your Immaculate Heart." Expanded, it means: "Mary, lend us your heart.  Bring us the Spirit.  Pray that our hardened hearts would burn with love for Jesus.  Help set our hearts on fire with love for Him"

This 1st prayer is essentially active love in Mary's fashion.

Keep Me In Your Most Pure Heart

"Immaculate Heart of Mary, keep me in your most pure heart, so that I may please Jesus through you, in you, and with you."

This is not yet fully explained.  But, for me, this 2nd prayer feels like a union-like alignment of hearts ... and a total surrender.

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