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Monday, September 14, 2015

The 40th: The McNol-VVN Household

Growing up in a McNol-VVN household is not all bed of roses, for sure.  But it is mostly  

·         Family meals together, especially on Sundays.  From preparation all the way through to washing of the dishes.  Eating is a family affair and a venue to talk about trivial and serious matters.

·         Long drives to Bicol (or any point in Luzon), taking turns to keep whoever is driving awake – by singing to TLC, Basia, Swing out Sister.

·         Family Rosaries – whether in the prayer room, the sala, dining room or in the car.  It’s integral to our growing up that we all know how to recite the Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

·         HK Trip – Love comes in many forms and languages.  During that trip it was expressed in a lot of tolerance, patience and gratitude so that everyone enjoyed the holiday.  The whole trip was an ultimate expression of how much, after all and despite everything, we all truly, honestly and completely love each other.

The four of us had been the silent and sometimes not-so-silent witnesses to our parents’ life strategies and struggles the past years.  We have seen how they stood by their principles and values in everything that they undertook.  Whatever the situation, they made the most of it; always looking at the silver lining and being open to whatever learnings the situation has to offer.  And during difficult times, they still manage to put the interest of others before theirs.  When the business was down, they always made sure to provide for the workers first.  We’d borrow just so the workers would have something to take home.  Most of all, we have seen how PRAYER truly served as the cornerstone of the household.

They say, whether consciously or unconsciously, the children tend to emulate their parents.  And, for us, if we are able to emulate but one trait it would be their strong FAITH – the kind that comes from a seemingly inexhaustible well-spring from the deepest recesses of the heart; the kind that enables one to continue looking up and believing despite an ominous task or immovable wall; the kind that gives one the strength to take one painful and tiny step after another and to continue being resilient in the face of absolute impossibility.  Just that ... and we would be true Nolascos.

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