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Saturday, April 11, 2015

Lenten Series: Mar 4

It has been a rollercoaster ride the past few weeks on a dream aspect of my life. One minute it feels like, "this is it!"; and the next minute it feels like having the rug pulled from under me. (I'm starting to see a trend here ... !). I topple over, disoriented and frustrated. I feel like whining to God and insisting on what I want, even though, at the back of my head, I know it may be a detour from where I need to go or be. When these moments hit, sometimes it's hard to regain balance and the right perspective. So, I mentally picture this image (below) in my head to remind me, that His plan is better than mine. Then I chant to myself, "Bigger bear. Bigger bear. BIGGER BEAR!"

I had a little moment like that this morning, so God hit me with another out-of-the-blue nugget of wisdom from my son ---
A: (On my way out the door, he calls after me) "Mom, Athena, the Goddess of Wisdom, said, 'Have faith'"
Me: (I stop) "Ok ..."
A: "It's in the readings, too."
Me: "Ok ..."
A: "... and God has a plan"
Me: (I turn to him then) "Why are you telling me this?"
A: (shrugs) "Uhm ... I just want to."

Hearing this from my son reminded me of a quote I read over lunch (Gosh! It takes time to go through the feed looking for a specific quote ... But I found it!):
"Don't rush things, they will happen when they are supposed to. Let things fall into place."

A "No" now does not mean "No" forever. Sometimes it means "Not now ... LATER."

From today's Psalm 31:5-6, 14, 15-16:
"But my trust is in you, O Lord; I say, 'You are my God.' In your hands is my destiny;"

From Gospel 20:17-28:
"What do you wish? ...
You do not know what you are asking."

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