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Friday, April 24, 2015

Poetic Doses

Post 2009 musings ... in no particular order, in no particular reality.

amidst the battle within
keeping my eyes closed.

against everything i know
i lay my bets on the impossible.

2nd Day

i awake to
shifting shades
of amber
and gray;
i brush them off
the final strands
of dream
--- or drunkeness
towards sobriety
--- or insanity;
clarity drifts in
___ a void
in its wake.

for one brief moment
a semblance of bliss
till i found
i am alone in my heaven


i am a prisoner of circumstance
or perhaps
a victim of the gods' folly
this is my curse

rendered helpless
and sleepless
by love 
that shall never be birthed.


happy endings
are lost to the unbrave.

they lie 
between the echoes
of feelings
and hide 
in the shadows
of first steps
and leaps of faith
that never
left the ground .

we are doomed
you and i ---
in the folly
in the unending dance
of pride.

mind games

i have come full circle
back to where we began
to find a stranger staring back
through the You-shaped void
of my childhood dreams
and grown-up hopes

all at once, i knew
you are never coming back. 


just one word
and i've come undone
an urgent voice
inside me
yet i remain
eyes closed
heart racing
unable to breathe.


my every sense wakens
in your presence
intoxicated, i lose grasp
of my faculties;
and bottled-up emotions
clamor for light.

i walk in an alternate reality
where and when you are
suspended in time
slow motion in a dream-like state
the Enchanted Forest
swirling into Storybrook.

i yearn to be Snow White,
Charming's one true love;
yet i am merely Rumplestiltskin,
helpless under the dagger's power;
doomed to be Regina
once Marianne claims her Robin.


what if?

what if this is it?

yet i turn my back from it
as constantly and consistently
as this love comes knocking
through every season

perhaps i should
follow Beverly -
steadfast, trusting ... and sure
"if you're what i've got,"
she said
"then you're what i'll take".

the day after Sev's Cafe

my soul is moved
my muse stirs
drunk in life
and its painful beauty
last night
leaves me wanting
and again.

Parallel Universes

i cannot say
the exact moment
nor fully comprehend
the how ---
perhaps a swift blow
from cupid's stray arrow,
or the slow burning
of daily small gestures;
or the why's ---
similarly wired brains,
the unspoken partnership
or, perhaps,
the volumes unspoken
from a sideways glance,
the undefined yearning
from a brief touch.

i cannot say
my exact sentiments
my heart, as conflicted
as your cryptic messages ---
tossed around in a sea
of late night exchanges,
pulled deeper in the undercurrent
of the almost-but-never-quite;
my soul, as lost
as your true meaning ---
wound up
in the rollercoaster ride
of your affections
-- or affectations?

i cannot know
may never want to know
perhaps i shall just
draw a cupful of comfort ---
these moments
of mutual tenderness
came to pass
a wrinkle in time
perhaps somewhere
in a parallel universe ---
i am 
for you
the very heartbeat
that brings you to life.

take me to a place

where the sun kisses the sea
the air, moist and salty
and the only sound is
the endless lapping of waves.  

indeed there is beauty
in words strung gracefully together
but there is nothing
absolutely nothing
as beautiful as
colors in harmony.

my sun
i am consumed by 
the colors of the sun
it haunts me in my dreams
and my waking hours
i close my eyes 
and i feel its warmth
painting my face
a beautiful salmon pink
amidst the deep blue.   

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